
$20,000 Platinum Sponsor

  • Organization logo will appear on all event materials and the summit web site as a prime event sponsor
  • Sponsor one meal/cocktail with sole branding of the event
  • Sponsor five stipends for participants to attend
  • Invitation to chair/present on a conference panel (topic and content to be reviewed by the summit organizing committee)
  • A right to have a booth to distribute organization’s materials

$10,000 Gold Sponsor

  • Organization logo will appear on all event materials and web site as a session event sponsor
  • Sponsor five stipends for participants to attend.
  • Invitation to chair/present on a conference panel (topic and content to be reviewed by the event committee)
  • A right to have a booth to distribute organization’s materials

$5,000 Silver Sponsor

  • Organization logo to appear on event materials as a sponsoring partner
  • Sponsor two stipends for participants to attend


We greatly appreciate your participation and support to make the summit a successful event. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email ybassok@gmail.com.

Thank you for your support.

Professor Yehuda Bassok
Conference Co-Chair
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA (USA)

Professor Ravi Anupindi
Conference Co-Chair
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI (USA)

Call For Sponsors

Putting together such a great conference requires significant of resources and we depend on the generosity of several organizations. Over the years many organizations have generously supported  the summit, including WHO, Chemonics International, Crown agents, Gates Foundation,  LMI, Logenix International, Logistimo, MEBS, PFSCM, Resolve Capacity, USAID, JSI, the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan, the University of Southern California, and the Production and Operations Management Society.

We are currently soliciting support for the upcoming summit. If you are interested in sponsoring, please see information provided below. Based on past experience, the program committee realizes that some participants may need financial support (in terms of travel, board and / or lodging) to attend the summit. Funding is also required to host a reception and dinner to facilitate networking and socialization. We need to raise funds to support such an endeavor. Given the anticipated increase in attendance, we hope this year to double the donations to be able to support many more attendees. We strongly urge you to consider your support for the upcoming summit at the highest level. We have identified the following levels of contributions: