Track 11 – Enhancing Management and Operations

Day 1 (November 28, 2018)

4:30 pm – 5:45pm

[Each talk should be of 20 minutes duration; last 15 minutes is for Q&A]

Track 11: Enhancing management and operations

[T11.1] Building a strong supply chain from the bottom up: making supply chain management a priority (58)

Zar Ni Soe1,* and Nyi Zin Latt1

1JSI Myanmar

[T11.2] Pulse: a supervisory mobile application for performance management at the last-mile of health supply chains (8)

Arun Ramanujapuram1,* and Kaushal Shukla1

1Logistimo India Pvt. Ltd.

[T11.3] Taking the lead: how building supply chain leadership and management skills in the public health system can accelerate supply chain system design (40)

Eomba Motomoke1,*, Freddy Nsoki1, Clement Ngombo1, Nora Phillips1, and Franck Biay2

1VillageReach, 2Ministry of Health of DRC